A look back at some exciting features that we built in 2024 to empower scientists to design more successful experiments

We expanded our data coverage
In 2024 we focused on increasing our coverage of closed access journal articles. With these efforts, we increased our data coverage by incorporating 6.8M new publications and over 2.6M reagents.
Take a deeper dive into these powerful updates
Improved searching by species/organism in Selector
We restructured our species/organism data to simplify organization and search-ability of reagent and model system data. The organism filter enables you to specify the species/organism of interest from both experiments AND vendor-provided details. Click Filter by Organism Reference to specify the data source (i.e. vendor-provided or detected in the literature) to find the most relevant information.
Available for the following app(s): Selector. Click here to learn more.
Expanded cell product specs
Our cell product data now includes critical four new data points including age, availability, year of establishment and morphology. This data expansion empowers you to select the most appropriate cell product for your experimental needs. Click here to view all cell product specs.
Access thousands of new papers from the Company of Biologists
Through our new partnership with the Company of Biologists we have expanded our data corpus with over 55k new publications. Data from this publisher empowers scientists with data from over 91k products and 1.5 million connections between products and their experimental conditions. This expansion enhances our platform's capabilities and data coverage across various areas of biomedical research, including oncology and cardiometabolic research.
Surface more data from microbial research
We have added over 17K experiments where reagents have been used to study particular viruses or bacteria, such as various spike proteins, glycoproteins, or lipopolysaccharides. These improvements will continue to expand our coverage of microbial-related reagent data to support and enhance a scientist’s ability to search for and surface microbial data from experimental literature.
Available for the following app(s): Selector.
Please note that access to these features and enhancements depends on which reagents and model systems are available at your organization.